We went through seven realtors before we had the good fortune of meeting Jae. Before him we were: 1. laughed off the phone for asking for what we wanted (the guy seriously said, “call me back when you’re serious” and hung up).
2. Shown properties well out of our range and that nothing to do with what we had asked for.
3. Stood up.
4. Ignored.
5. Outright lied to
And some of them were okay, but were just wanting the sale and clearly didn’t care about us beyond getting their commission.
Enough about that. The point is that we called Jae, exhausted and disheartened. We tossed him our Hail Mary pass, hoping one last time that we might be taken seriously. He listened to our every specification, thought about it, and responded with something like, “that might be hard to come up with, but I think if we are patient, we can do it.” I will concede that our parameters were really difficult to meet.
And then he did it! He carefully selected homes that were all within the parameters we’d asked for. And if he had good ideas which were outside of them, he ran it by us first. There were places we wanted to pursue that he advised us against buying because of all the costs we didn’t see up front. He totally could’ve taken the money and run several times.
This guy worked with us for a year and found us our perfect dream home, within our budget. He held our hands all the way through closing, and stuck around after to answer questions.
Now, four years later, we need some things done with the house and he is helping us figure it all out. He’s not charging us. He has nothing to gain. He is just an amazingly good person who knows the market and his business.
Bottom line: Jae has earned our trust and we emphatically recommend him without reservation.
If you need more proof or details, you can pm me.